Contributions to an international conference to exchange knowledge and experiences with regard to processes defining the evolution and lifetime of deep convective clouds in Amazonia are invited. Aerosol effects on the formation of convective clouds and precipitation can lead to profound modifications in the dynamics and radiative properties of the cloud systems. These processes may influence the vigor and organization of heavy weather events like hail and rainstorms and cascade all the way to changing the global circulation of the atmosphere and the Earth’s energy budget. The quantitative understanding and predictability of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation properties, interactions, and effects in the climate system are, however, very limited. The lack of simultaneous in-situ measurements of cloud microphysical properties, chemical tracer compounds and aerosol characteristics within deep convective clouds has been a serious obstacle to evaluate detailed cloud-resolving models, which can be applied for obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of aerosol-cloud interaction and convective tracer transport. The major bottleneck has been the difficulty to investigate and characterize these properties and interactions by in-situ and remote sensing observations. Also, the complex interaction between cloud and aerosol strongly depends on the thermodynamics. Aerosol cloud interaction can potentially modify cloud microphysical properties and consequently the rainfall, cloud life cycle and lightning activity. The improvement in knowledge of this interaction can be used to validate and improve high resolution models and climate change simulations.
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