The joint ACRIDICON-CHUVA mission was conducted to investigate aerosol, cloud, precipitation, and radiation interactions and dynamics of convective cloud systems in September to October 2014. The research aircraft HALO (High Altitude and Long Range Aircraft) and a number of ground-based stations including measurements sites involved in the GoAmazon 2014/15 project were operated in order to quantify aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and their thermodynamic, dynamic and radiative effects in convective cloud systems by in-situ observations combined with indirect measurements (aircraft, satellite, and ground based). The conference will focus on the discussion of the scientific findings from the ACRIDICON-CHUVA project.
Workshop will provide transportation from and to airport. 28 February - Sunday - 09:00 LST and 3 March - Thursday 14:00 LST
Second Circular »Registration is open.
Reegistration rate for the workshop is 500 Brazilian Reais (approximately 130 EUR) and it includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks, and access to all presentations. There is no single day registration package.
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Abstract Submission is closed.
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Please book the hotel, you can make a reservation through the itapemar Hotel link.
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